Growing a solid portfolio
Student Accommodation
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Gross Floor Area : 7,653 sqm
Number of Beds : 280
Country/Market : Canada
Location : Montréal
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Investments
Number of Beds : 252
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Aberystwyth
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Global Student Accommodation Private Trust
Number of Beds : 356
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Edinburgh
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Global Student Accommodation Private Trust
Number of Beds : 430
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Leicester
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Global Student Accommodation Private Trust
Number of Beds : 140
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Nottingham
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Global Student Accommodation Private Trust
Gross Floor Area : 27,700 sqm
Number of Beds : 736
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Coventry
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Investments
Number of Beds : 609
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Birmingham
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Global Student Accommodation Private Trust
Number of Beds : 123
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Manchester
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Global Student Accommodation Private Trust
Number of Beds : 249
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Lincoln
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Global Student Accommodation Private Trust
Number of Beds : 400
Country/Market : United Kingdom
Location : Glasgow
Platform/Funding : Mapletree Global Student Accommodation Private Trust